1. Increasing strength and resistance of the students through aerobic gymnastics means
- Andreea – Gabriela Boca Lazăr
2. The consolidation of the skating step for the physical education and sport students through a „upball-skating” inovative game
- Oana Cristina Pața
3. Study on the combatement of stress by kinetotherapy means
- Florian Benedek
4. Study on the importance of physical education and sport classes in current society investigative approach
- Luminița - Eugenia Avram
- Elena Vizitiu
5. The role of physical therapy in the recovery of the patient with down syndrome
- Ștefan Crețu
- Florian Benedek
6. Statistical study on the anthropometric profile of the 5th grade pupils
- Mihai Ciubotaru
7. Study on obesity and overweight among children in the primary cycle at international plan
- Daniela Cojocaru
8. Methodological-practical landmarks in pediatric scoliosis acquired due to the inequality of the lower limbs
- Mihai Constantinescu
9. Study on the practice of chess by children aged between 8 and 10 years old online through contents specific to physical education
- Agache Gheorghe
- Elena Vizitiu
10. The professional orientation – element of the socio-professional integration of the personality of the future physical education and sport teacher
- Bogdan-Marius Grosu
11. The development of force in speed regime in the training of football players through the pliometric method
- Bogdan-Marius Grosu
12. Constatative study regarding 12 years old children coordinative abilities development level
- Ileana Petrariu
13. Efficiency of using applicative games, relay races and tracks in teaching the handball specific curriculum for 6th grade students
- Edison Enrico Eduard Muha
- Florin Leuciuc
14. Comparative study of the indices that determine the motor training as a factor of the choreographic training of the students of the profile faculties
- Salup Mărioara
15. Study on the technique of the game of badminton by using information technology during the pandemic covid -19 in students aged 10-12 years
- Bogdan Ionuț Tănasă
- Elena Vizitiu
16. Study on the importance of tehnical exercises on the specifics of the playing position – attackers
- Cătălin-Andrei Tatarcan
17. Contributions on optimizing the learning of specific contents of the vith grade handball game
- Ionel Ursachi
- Florin Leuciuc
18. Contributions regarding the development of student psychomotricity through the practice of touchball
- Virgil Larionescu
- Paul Horga