Paper title: |
Title the itinerant teacher, opportunity and challenge for the inclusion of students with special needs in physical education lessons in master schools |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVII issue 2/ 2024 |
Publishing date: | 2024 |
Pages: | 36-48 |
Author(s): | Cazan Luminița-Magda
Vizitiu Lakhdari Elena |
Abstract. | The implementation of inclusive education in mainstream schools is conditioned by a series of factors. These factors, political, legislative, institutional, social, cultural, pedagogical, psychological, economic, must be well correlated and coordinated for inclusion to be effective and sustainable. The purpose of the paper was to explore the opportunity created in achieving a balanced and inclusive educational environment through the presence of the itinerant teacher in physical education and sports classes in mainstream schools. In the paper, we started from the hypothesis that the presence of the itinerant teacher in mainstream schools facilitates collaboration between teachers, students, parents and other specialists, effectively supporting the creation of an inclusive educational environment. The proposed objectives are to analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with the presence or lack of support or the itinerant teacher, in physical education and sports classes, in the development of an inclusive educational environment; investigating the collaboration between itinerant teachers and students with special needs, classroom teachers, parents and other specialists in supporting the school and social inclusion process; proposing recommendations for optimizing the itinerant teacher’s intervention in the inclusion process of students with special educational needs; analyzing the perceptions and attitudes of classmates and parents on the integration of students with special needs in mainstream schools. |
Keywords: | itinerant teacher, challenge, opportunity, inclusion, special needs, physical education lessons |
References: |
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