Paper title: |
The impact of spinning activity on high school students |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 2/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 110-118 |
Author(s): | Scheuleac Adelina
Vizitiu Elena |
Abstract. | In the context of research into physical training and its effects on the human body, spinning exercises in cycling have been the subject of interesting and relevant studies. These workouts, characterized by medium to high intensity, attracted attention due to their ability to generate significant physiological responses. Research hypothesis: It is assumed that by regularly practicing spinning activity can optimize physical condition and increase effort capacity in a short time in high school students. The purpose of the paper is the effectiveness of spinning programs on the body of students proposed for research, namely optimizing physical condition and increasing muscle tone. Study objectives: Identifying spinning programs that correspond to the level of training of subjects; Identification of significant relationships between research variables by statistical calculation; Identifying significant differences between the groups proposed for the research The research was based on two groups: an experimental one consisting of 10 students aged 17 from Petru Rareș High School with one hour of physical education and sports in the school curriculum and a control group consisting of 10 students from the Sports High School with two hours of physical education in the school curriculum. |
Keywords: | impact, spinning, students, high school |
References: |
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