Paper title: |
Teachers perceptions on the impact of aqua-fitness on the psychomotor and functional preparation of secondary school students – an investigative design |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVII issue 2/ 2024 |
Publishing date: | 2024 |
Pages: | 27-35 |
Author(s): | Mihai Ioan |
Abstract. | In the context of physical education, aqua-fitness is an effective method that can significantly contribute to the psychomotor and functional development of secondary school students. This study investigates the perceptions of physical education teachers and coaches on the impact of aqua-fitness in physical education classes, assessing the effects on students’ motor skills, general health and physical fitness. Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that the implementation of aqua-fitness activity in physical education classes in secondary school contributes significantly to the improvement of students’ psychomotor and functional readiness, being favorably perceived by teachers as an effective method of developing their motor skills and general health. The aim of this study is to analyze the perceptions of secondary school, high school and sports club teachers on the impact of aqua-fitness on the psychomotor and functional development of students, as well as to identify the potential benefits of this activity in physical education. Objectives of the study: To assess the teachers’ opinion on the effectiveness of aqua-fitness in the psychomotor development of pupils. To identify physical activities recommended by teachers for students’ psychomotor development. To analyze teachers’ perception of the need to introduce aqua-fitness lessons in the school curriculum. The results obtained from the questionnaire applied to 102 teachers provide an insight into the effectiveness of this activity and the possibilities of integrating it into the school curriculum. |
Keywords: | aqua-fitness, psychomotor training, secondary school, physical education, functional development, teachers’ perception |
References: |
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