Paper title: | Study on the role and importance of motor skills in the growth and development of morpho-functional indices at the age of 11-13 |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 2/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 14-19 |
Author(s): | Morișcă Adriana
Florin LEUCIUC |
Abstract. | There was always a strong connection between the child’s growth and his development. The teacher made this connection possible through patience, trust, endless monitoring, the discovery of innate abilities, and their exploitation. We chose the tools for improving the motor qualities in the growth and development of the morpho-functional indices at the age of 11-13 years according to the existing material base and to the particularities of the middle schooler. We can conclude that
games are precious educational tools and teachers should use them more and more during their classes due to their strong positive effect on pupils’ personality and development; motor skills in the growth and development of morpho-functional indices at the age of 11-13 play a decisive role in our students’ harmonious development and integration into society. |
Keywords: | importance, development, motor skills, harmonious. |
References: |
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