Paper title: |
DOI: | 10.4316/SAM.2021.0218 |
Published in: | Volume XIV issue 2/ 2021 |
Publishing date: | 2021 |
Pages: | 130-136 |
Author(s): |
PhD., associate professor, Igor Arsene PhD., university lecturer, Gheorghiu Aurelian |
Abstract. | The content of this article highlights the issue of the voice as a professional tool in the activity of the physical education teacher. The correlation relationship between the particularities of the voice and the teacher's perception of implementing the voice as a professional tool in his activity is highlighted. The voice, as a professional instrument, becomes strong, mobile, flexible, sound, has a wide range and creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding among the participants in the educational process. In the professional community, it is necessary to form a clear idea that the voice is not the property of any science - phoniatrics, voice pedagogy, speech therapy, etc. |
Keywords: | voice, teacher, instrument, activity, professional, physical education, phonology. |
References: |
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