Paper title: |
Training model of the representative girls school handball team for their participation in the national school sports competition |
DOI: | 10.4316/SAM.2022.0204 |
Published in: | Volume XV issue 2/ 2022 |
Publishing date: | 2022 |
Pages: | 27-36 |
Author(s): | Nistor Dan Mircea Leuciuc Florin |
Abstract. | Handball is considered to be one of the most attractive and dynamic sports games around the world and recently it is starting to become our new national sport, this is mainly due to the results achieved by the national teams and by the other club teams of our country during the time which is far above all the other results obtained at different sports games. This project aims to identify the best methods regarding both selection and training of a representative school team and with their help create a training model that is to be addressed to all categories: physical, technical, tactical, and mental. Only with multilateral training as well as a large number of repetitions, we can increase the play level of the representative team and defeat the ones that they have their club members. |
Keywords: | handball, girls, middle-school, competition |
References: |
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