Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume XII issue 1/ 2019 |
Publishing date: | 2019 |
Pages: | 52-58 |
Author(s): |
Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr |
Abstract. | Wellbeing is a holistic concept that describes a positive state of health and includes physical, social and psychological wellness. In addition to physical and functional follow-up goals, physical education and sports in university aims modeling the behavior of the students in a optimistic, positive and innovative direction; educating positive and creative attitudes; increasing the quality of life and total wellbeing. I started from the premise that running is one of the best ways to combine pleasure and a healthy lifestyle. It is the most natural form of movement. I considered that the use of jogging in the physical education lessons, will bring beneficial effects to the student's wellbeing and with special influences in improving their quality of life. The purpose of the study was to highlight the effects of running on student's wellbeing, using the WHO Well-being survey method based on a questionnaire. |
Keywords: | running, wellbeing, quality of life, improvement, female students |
References: |
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