Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume IX issue 2/ 2016 |
Publishing date: | 2016 |
Pages: | 75-85 |
Author(s): |
Liliana Budevici-Puiu |
Abstract. | Sport is a social reality, but also an economical reality, while from this point of view the sports activity is performed under the legislation incidence specific to every state. At the international level the sports right develops. Thus, the right of sports institutions is recognized by the state, if not totally, at least practical (in the case of Swiss, Spanish, Belgium, Austrian right etc.) To assure the CEDO respect and the European Union right, the sports jurisdiction should be organized through the creation of parts possibility of appealing either on the national arbitrage and sports specific organized by the federations and national professional leagues, but also existence of the access at the national instance to use the control of such decisions, either on the international sports arbitrage within which the pronounced decisions to be referred to the control of some European instance. |
Keywords: | sports right, sports justice, state, sports litigations. |
References: |
1. SLUTU, N. (2015). Noţiunea de contract sportiv – contract de muncă, desprinsă din analiza dispoziţiilor legale interne. În: Revista “Lege şi viaţa”, Chişinău. 2. Ciubota C. (2011). Dreptul Sportului, o realitate imposibil de contestat. În: interviu cu Dr., avocat, Ciubota & Roata-Palade, Bucureşti, November 28. 3. Codul Muncii al Republicii Moldova. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova nr. 159-162 din 29.07.2003, cu modificarile ulteroare, art. 45 (în continuare – CM al RM). 4. Legea nr. 33o/25.03.1999 cu privire la cultura fizica şi sport. În: Monitorul Oficial al R. Moldova nr. 83-86 din 05.08.1999, art 16. 5. Regulament FMF. Dispozitii UEFA, cerinţe minime ale contractelor sportivilor profesionisti, preluare de pe site-ul oficial, Federaţia Moldoveneasca de Fotbal, vizitat la 06.03.2015. 6. Regulament de organizare şi funcţionare a Curţii de Arbitraj Sportiv de pe lîngă F.M.F. 7. Codul disciplinar al Federaţiei Moldoveneşti de Fotbal. |
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