Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume X issue 2/ 2017 |
Publishing date: | 2017 |
Pages: | 75-81 |
Author(s): |
Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr |
Abstract. | The dynamic development of society leads to an increase in the requirements of education and the teaching profession. University as an institution that generates specialists in various fields is of major importance in the development of society. Academic staff, as trainers of future specialists - in our case, specialists in physical education and sports, must ensure quality education. It is necessary to re-evaluate the university professors, the working method and the programs they propose, to watch if they do not lose sight of what is really important in the students' development process – students becoming teachers in the near future. The person who will lead and organize the physical education and sport lesson in the future must be able to convey the value system, the beliefs, to counsel, motivate, cultivate moral values, independence and responsibility in practicing physical exercise, persuade and more than that, to become an agent of change in a dimension of contemporary man. So, the qualities of the academic staff can represent the prospective personality model to which students are heading, being in the position of future educators of the younger generation. |
Keywords: | university teachers, future teachers of physical education, education, personality, competencies |
References: |
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