Paper title: |
Methodological-practical landmarks in pediatric scoliosis acquired due to the inequality of the lower limbs |
DOI: | 10.4316/SAM.2020.0208 |
Published in: | Volume XIII issue 2/ 2020 |
Publishing date: | 2020 |
Pages: | 58-63 |
Author(s): | Mihai Constantinescu |
Abstract: | This study aims to present some elements of pediatric anatomy-physiology and semiology with reference to the period of growth and development on body posture disorder due to the installation of functional physical deficiencies of the spine. But the cause of this deficit is known, namely the inequality of the lower limbs. In this sense, the management and start of a program for the preservation of postural function can be applied as early as possible with high chances of success. |
Keywords: | scoliosis, pelvic girdle misalignments, lower limbs, growth and development, children; |
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