Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume V issue 2/ 2012 |
Publishing date: | 2012 |
Pages: | 28-36 |
Author(s): |
Danelciuc Elena Mihaela Betiuc Mihail Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus |
Abstract. | Skills training needs of the child with multiple disabilities in the recovery process complex was phased in continuity, succession and complexity. We used various psycho-pedagogical methods. The place was CSEI Suceava, from which to choose a group of children with multiple children (3-7 years). In general, differences in morphofunctional development of children and their peers healthy polihandicap are essential and doubtful. Instead dynamic indices of physical development in children polihandicap indicates persistence of unfavorable trends. One of the most important factors and natural development of the child's education during preschool age is the formation of self-service skills. Consequently, we to give a new found confidence and the fact that hard work with preschoolers who have intellect unaffected, but that support various forms of polihandicap, results, virtually all cases, the expected result - self-service skills training necessary . |
Keywords: | children, multiple disabilities, motor skills, cerebral palsy, complex pedagogical rehabilitation |
References: |
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