Paper title: |
Increasing strength and resistance of the students through aerobic gymnastics means |
DOI: | 10.4316/SAM.2020.0201 |
Published in: | Volume XIII issue 2/ 2020 |
Publishing date: | 2020 |
Pages: | 5-10 |
Author(s): | Andreea – Gabriela Boca (Lazăr) |
Abstract. | Developing strength and resistance is one of the objectives pursued in the lessons of physical education and sport of the young generation. Young people have difficulty in supporting a low-intensity effort. They must benefit from training because they have lost physical capacity through a misconduct. 45T In this research we started from the hypothesis that the use of aerobic gymnastics involving different movements of body segments in various combinations with specific base steps,45T 45Tall deployed in a program with a predominantly aerobic effort, will increase the muscular endurance in the main body segments. 45The experiment was carried out on a group of 32 students from the second year of study at the Faculty of Economic of the "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. The experiment group against which the independent variable was applied,45T 45 Twas made up of 16 students,45T 0Tand the control group, which was prepared through traditional means, 0T45Twas also made up of 16 students from the same specialty but from another study group. At the end of the experiment, the results highlighted the fact that there are significant differences between the initial and the final results in all the tests in the experiment group. |
Keywords: | aerobic gymnastics, muscle strength, resistance, improvement, physical education and sport lesson, students |
References: |
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