Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume XII issue 1/ 2019 |
Publishing date: | 2019 |
Pages: | 46-51 |
Author(s): |
Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr |
Abstract. | Stretching is a technique for recovering articular mobility which consists in stretching a muscle and maintaining the tension a few seconds. I started from the premise that stretching exercises bring many benefits on all the human body systems. Stretching exercises increases joint mobility, stimulates synovial fluid secretion, eliminate toxins, reduces stress and improves neuro-musculo-articular system. The aim of this study was to highlight the efects of static stretching exercises worked at the end of physical education lessons by following the literature data, in improving flexibility of the female students, with beneficial effects on the development of their general physical condition. The experiment was conducted on a group of 18 students from the second year of study (aged 19 to 21 years) at Faculty of Economic Sciences and Public Administration at "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. At the end of the experiment, the results highlighted the fact that there were significant differences between the initial and final results in all the tests performed. |
Keywords: | flexibility, spine, static stretching, students, physical education and sports lesson |
References: |
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