Paper title: |
DOI: | 10.4316/SAM.2020.0118 |
Published in: | Volume XIII issue 1/ 2020 |
Publishing date: | 2020 |
Pages: | 135-143 |
Author(s): |
Verejan Ruslan |
Abstract. | This article presents scientific information about the features of the main directions of reforming the preparatory process of beginner handball players in the formation of model characteristics of the role-playing game. At the same time, it should also be noted that at the present stage of development in a difficult social environment, which imposes special requirements on the sports-preparatory process, including intellectual and physical ones. Currently, the calendar of competitions has radically changed, it has become more dense and intense for teams of various levels and ages with high requirements for the results of competitions. And this in turn creates difficulties in the preparatory process of athletes, allowing excessive intensification of training sessions, with all the consequences. To this it is necessary to add, extremely inadequate material and technical support for sports, including in handball. That is why we believe that in this situation, to improve the sports training of handball players, at the present stage, it is necessary to use other possible reserves, which suggest, against the background of general preparatory processes, the restructuring of existing ways of organizing gaming opportunities, including to an earlier age-based teamgaming specialization of athletes, in which their role, as an individual sports and technical characteristic, will be especially effective in competitive manifestations. |
Keywords: | handball; types of motor activity; coordination opportunities; motor skills; team-game specialization; educational process; intellectual development; role; the psychomotor; modeling. |
References: |
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