Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume XII issue 1/ 2019 |
Publishing date: | 2019 |
Pages: | 66-73 |
Author(s): |
Mihai Ciubotaru |
Abstract. | The introduction of physical education and sports in schools, practicing physical exercise takes place in an organized setting, new sporting structures appear, in the social life the role of sport becomes very important and the exercises are also practiced in free time by the different classes of the population. Handball is a sporting game accessible to all students because most technical procedures are made with the help of hands, the rules of the game are simple and easy to implement, the material conditions necessary for the game are not expensive, the elements used are the natural forms of human mobility, talking about running , jump, throw, grip, the ball used is smaller than in other sports and can be easily manipulated. To accomplish this work I used the method of study of the specialized literature. In the research process it is of great importance the deep documentation of the existing information in this field. Teaching handball to gymnasium students can confirm that they can be taught in good conditions if they have proper planning, a correct method and well-chosen means. Teaching handball positively influences health indices, stimulates somatic growth, affects students' mobility skills. |
Keywords: | pupils, gymnasium, handball, game. |
References: |
1. Albu C. Educație fizică în liceu. București, Editura Sport-Turism, 1981; 2. Cârstea G. Teoria şi metodica educaţiei fizice şi sportului. Bucureşti: Editura AN-DA, 2000; 3.Scarlat E., Scarlat B. M. Tratat de educație fizică, București, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 2011, p. 237-238; 4. Programa şcolară pentru disciplina Educaţie fizică şi sport clasele a V-a – a VIII-a, București, 2017. |
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