1. Improving fitness and corporal aestethics through the help of aerobical extracurricular activities
- Ghervan Petru, Lazăr Andreea Gabriela
2. Method of recovery of children with disabilities multiple /associated
- Danelciuc Elena Mihaela
3. The functional recovery of the upper limb in children with cerebral paralysis
- Haidamac Ana
4. Study regarding the development of motric quality force in high school
- Benedek Florian, Trofin Maria Mădălina
5. Findings on the coordination school children
- Bogdan-Marius Grosu
6. The study of the optimization of the acrobatic gymnastics elements in secondary school
- Bogdan-Marius Grosu
7. The primordial qualities of the coach which initiates and prepares athletes who participate in combat sports (gr-rom fights, free fights, judo, karate)
- Tipa Lazar, Răduțescu I. Ion
8. Study concerning development of the driving skill strength by using applicative and utilities skills at the primary school pupills
- Halip Viorica-Vicuța, Leuciuc Florin Valentin
9. Colour and its effects on volleyball service
- Virgil Larionescu Moroşan, Florin Vizeteu
10. Means of physical therapy applied in recovery after the surgery of anterior crossing ligament
- Benedek Florian
11. Contribution of dynamic games and handball resources in developing psychomotor skills for iii-rd and iv-th degree pupils
- Petrariu Ileana
12. Handball means role in the development of specific resistance for vth student’s grade
- Petrariu Ileana
13. Kinetic and prophylactic treatment of osteoporosis on young adults
- Coşofreţ Ştefăniţă-Andrei, Maria Daniela Crăciun
14. Methods and techniques in recovering patients of ankylosing spondylitis
- Maria Daniela Crăciun, Andreea Domnica Buburuzan