1. Developing research competences of future manager-trainers within managerial practice
- Volcu Gheorghe
2. The game and competition as a way of improvement of self-confidence in adolescence
- Irina Delipovici
3. Baropodometry means of quantitative evaluation in postural balance recovery of persons which suffered a stroke
- Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus
4. Mbt role in recovery postural control
- Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus
5. Quality assessment of teaching the course “the basics of state and law” in terms of students’ opinions from the faculties with sporting profile
- Ina Pîrlii
6. Determination of the development level of practical skills and marketing abilities of ma students during the stage of managerial practice
- Amelicichin E
7. Ways for achieving the competences of physical education in school by the content of the gymnastics in 5th and 6th grades
- Bestiuc Afanasov Maria, Florin Leuciuc
8. The verification and leading methodology of the performance fighters preparation process in the precompetitive period of the training annual cycle
- Manolachi Veaceslav
9. The acknowledgement of the sports justice by the state
- Liliana Budevici-Puiu