Paper title: |
Implementation of hybrid education in primary education – investigative approach |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 2/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 180-188 |
Author(s): | Lungu Adrian
Vizitiu Elena |
Abstract. | In the context of this study, the perspectives and experiences of primary school teachers related to the use and impact of hybrid education are explored. Hybrid education, as an educational method combining traditional teaching elements with online resources and tools, has become a topic of major interest in the field of education. Hypothesis of the paper: it is assumed that by analyzing the respondents’ answers to the given questions, relevant conclusions and inferences can be reached about options, experiences or preferences regarding hybrid education and primary education. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the implementation of hybrid education in primary education and to evaluate the experiences and perceptions of physical education and sports teachers. Objectives of the questionnaire: Assessment of the level of knowledge and degree of familiarization of respondents with the concept of hybrid education in the context of primary education; Identifying preferences and previous experiences of respondents in relation to the use or exposure to hybrid education in the educational process; Analysis of respondents’ views and perceptions towards hybrid education in primary education, including perceived benefits and challenges. The majority preference for traditional (face-to-face) education among respondents indicates a continuation of the valorization of direct interaction and personal contact in the educational process, despite the introduction of new and technological educational methods. |
Keywords: | hybrid education, teachers, primary education, questionnaire |
References: |
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