Paper title: | Assessment of the mental state of school teachers |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVII issue 2/ 2024 |
Publishing date: | 2024 |
Pages: | 205-214 |
Author(s): | Shablova Svetlana |
Abstract. | The current article assesses the mental states of teachers based on the Eysenck test. During the process of their professional activities, teachers experience various mental states that can both organize and motivate their activities and reduce their effectiveness. Among such states, the following can be distinguished: pre-working state, running-in state, fatigue state, relaxation, monotony, rigidity, anxiety, stress, burnout, frustration states, aggressiveness. The nature, duration and severity of certain mental states have a direct impact on the quality of duties performed, professional longevity, as well as on the general health of a person. |
Keywords: | mental states, eysenck test, anxiety, frustration, rigidity |
References: |
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