Paper title: |
Analysis of ethiopathic factors of gonarthrosis and choice of kinetoprophylactic means |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 2/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 51-57 |
Author(s): | Mihai Constantinescu |
Abstract. | Due to the fact that arthrosis is a disease that affects a very large number of people, we felt that presenting some aspects of its pathophysiology and kinetoprophylaxis will be helpful to those working in the field of recovery and beyond. The literature also describes a rather complex clinical picture regarding the processes of degradation and deconditioning of the anatomical joint structures.The presentation of the factors of etiopathogenesis of gonarthrosis and the kinetoprophylactic means of preserving the function of the knee joint is the subject of the study that is intended to be presented. Analysis of the etiopathogenic factors and combating the effects of arthrosis installation through a model of analytical investigation of them, the results obtained from the analysis can be the basis for the realization of a kinetoprophylaxis program. |
Keywords: | gonarthrosis, analysis, etiopathogenesis, kinetoprophylaxis, health |
References: |
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