Paper title: |
Determining the level of somatic development in eighth grade girls |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 1/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 106-113 |
Author(s): | Ciubotaru Mihai
Pricop Gheorghe |
Abstract. | In the last decades, children and young people in most countries have seen an accelerated growth of some development indices, therefore the average values of the height and weight of children today are higher than in the last century, sexual maturity being earlier. After the end of the growth process, which occurs more quickly, the adult’s dimensions are larger. Growth processes are characterized by the enlargement of organs, body segments and body weight. The development of the individual is highlighted by the differences that appear from a morphological, physiological and biochemical point of view. The research methods used in the confirmative study allowed us to study specialized works in the field of physical education, to observe the attitude of students during physical education classes, to evaluate the level of somatic development of girls in the 8th grade, to present, process and interpret the results obtained. |
Keywords: | pupils, measurements, girls, development, middle school. |
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