Paper title: |
Comparative analysis of kinetic recovery in elbow joint trauma |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Volume XVI issue 1/ 2023 |
Publishing date: | 2023 |
Pages: | 60-65 |
Author(s): | Mihai Constantinescu |
Abstract. | In the present paper, the aim is to carry out a comparative analysis in order to manage the therapeutic pathway in the post-immobilization period in trauma to the elbow joint in children. Due to the fact that this pathology is quite common and requires special attention to prevent the onset of joint stiffness that accompanies this trauma. We believe that this work will be a useful material due to the fact that it brings up to date elements of diagnosis, evaluation and kinetotherapeutic recovery. |
Keywords: | comparative analysis, physiotherapy, trauma, elbow joint. |
References: |
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