Paper title: |
DOI: | . |
Published in: | Volume V issue 1/ 2012 |
Publishing date: | 2012 |
Pages: | 160-167 |
Author(s): |
Dan Mihai Rohozneanu |
Abstract. | The ciclicity of competitions requires the establishment of these essential values for a certain period and determines the success level for competitors. Generally, the modification of the success occurs slowly and not always uniformly throughout the typical values that determine it at a time. This value clearly indicates the increasing weight of the handball players, fact that could be explained more plausible by a major muscle increase and demonstrated by the physical aspect of the global elite handball players. These conclusions can not be generalized because in the case of the elite handball the data were obtained by studying materials and having access to updated information, while in the case of the Romanian handball we generalized data from specialists. |
Keywords: | handball, study, somatic model, male. |
References: |
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