1. Issues regarding the importance of kinetoprophylaxis in herniated disc
- Florian Benedek, Sabina Orhei
2. Coaching in sports games
- Florin-Valentin Leuciuc
3. The development of the moving-speed quality at the primary school through movement and preparatory games specific to football
- Bogdan-Marius Grosu
4. The role of physical exercises applied through kinesiology in lordosis correction
- Elena Raţă, Florian Benedek
5. Sports ludics and its importance in developing swiiming specific skills at an early
- Giconda Burac, Gheorghe Pricop
6. Coordination developement for autistic children through swimming means
- Oana Paţa, Elena Raţă
7. The role and the importance of referees in football
- Florian Benedek, Sorin Raţă
8. The importance of physical sports preparation for children practitioners of martial arts (vovinam viet vo dao styl)
- Gheorghe Pricop
9. Current guidelines of training particular to vovinam viet vo dao practitioners
- Gheorghe Pricop
10. Physical state of boys from primary classes in the rural areas of the republic of moldova
- Adelina Ghetiu
11. Study regarding the correlation between somato-functional indices and physical abilities to 31-40 years old women
- Sorin Raţă